AppGini 2.0 Online Help > Working with projects > Understanding relationships
Have you noticed among the various field properties the 'Parent table', 'Parent ID field' and 'Parent caption field' properties? To understand these properties we have to understand relationships.
What is a relationship?
A relationship is a condition imposed over a field that we shall call a foreign key. It means that any data value added to this foreign key field must exist in another field that belongs to another table. The other field is called a Parent ID field. The table to which the parent ID field belongs is called a Parent table.

Let's take an example ... suppose you have an orders table, in which you store information about orders: order_number, order_date and ordering_customer_number. And suppose that you have another table in the database, the customers tables, which stores information about customers: customer_number, customer_name, customer_address and customer_phone. We want to make sure that values in the ordering_customer_number field of the orders table are always selected from existing values in the customer_number field of the customers table.
'Ordering_customer_number' is a foreign key whose Parent table is 'Customers' and Parent ID field is 'customer_number'

To satisfy this condition, we shall make the ordering_customer_number field of the orders table a foreign key by specifying customers as its Parent table and customer_number as its Parent ID field. Now whenever someone tries to add a value into the ordering_customer_number field, the database will check to see if this value exists in the customer_number field or not. If the database doesn't find a matching value, the added value will be rejected.

How will a relationship appear in the generated application?
That's a pretty good question since its answer will highlight one of the unique features of AppGini :)

MySQL database actually doesn't perform the above relationship check. Despite their importance, foreign keys aren't implemented in MySQL (at least until MySQL 3.23.31 which is the version I currently have).

But AppGini implements this check and in a very powerful way. In the generated application, the ordering_customer_number field in the above example will have a drop down menu listing all values found in its parent ID field, the customer_number. The user can choose values only from this menu.

Moreover, if you specify a Parent Caption Field besides the parent ID field, the menu will show values from another field of the parent table (for example, customer_name) but store corresponding customer_number values. This makes the menu more understandable because the user will see customer names instead of customer numbers, yet it is the customer number that is stored in the foreign key field.